Bingo & Lucky 7

Charitable organizations can support their causes by raising funds through Bingo and Lucky 7 events.

License Types with Bingo & Lucky 7

  • Commercial Bingo Hall - Any hall owned or leased by an individual or entity who leases the hall to a charitable organization for the operation of bingo and lucky 7 games.

    License Fee: $250.00

    License Length: 1 fiscal year (July 1 - June 30)

  • Charitable Organization - Any bona fide religious, charitable, civic, veterans', fraternal, or church organization which has been registered with the NH Secretary of State for at least one year as a “Domestic Non-Profit Corporation” and if applicable, registered and in good standing with the NH Charitable Trusts Unit. Charitable organizations must also be tax exempt under the following IRS exempt status: 501(c) 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, or 19. Three license types fall under this category:

 Guide to Licenses and Reports







  • Monthly Bingo Charitable Organization – Monthly Bingo games can be held with or without Lucky 7 games. Traditionally, these games are held at licensed Commercial Bingo Hall locations; however, a charitable organization may host these events at their own location.

License Fee: $25.00 per game date (max 16 game dates per month)

License Length: monthly license

  • Monthly Lucky 7 Charitable Organization – Monthly Lucky 7 games may only be held in conjunction with monthly Bingo games or at a licensed Games of Chance facility.

    License Fee: $10.00 (max 16 game dates per month)

    License Length: monthly license

  • Annual Lucky 7 Charitable Organization – Only qualified organizations that own or lease a location for the primary use of their members, such as a veteran or fraternal club, may obtain an annual lucky 7 license.

    License Fee: $120.00

    License Length: 1 calendar year (January 1 - December 31)

  • Consultant - Any individual who is hired by or otherwise receives compensation from a charitable organization to provide gaming related services including consultation, management, assistance with the operation of the bingo games or the sale of lucky 7 tickets, record keeping, filing forms with the commission, advertising, or security and who handles, manages, oversees, or disburses any of the funds derived from the operation of the charitable games.

    License Fee: $100.00

    License Length: 1 year from issuance

  • Manufacturer - Any person and/or entity who manufacturers, builds, rebuilds, fabricates, assembles, produces, programs, designs, or otherwise makes modifications to any bingo and/or lucky 7 products or associated equipment for use or play in this state.

    License Fee: $5,000.00

    License Length: 1 fiscal year (July 1 - June 30)

  • Distributor - Any person and/or entity who sells, leases, offers, or otherwise provides, distributes, or services any bingo and/or lucky 7 products or associated equipment for use or play in this state.

    License Fee: $10,000.00

    License Length: 1 fiscal year (July 1 - June 30)

Monthly Financial Reporting

All applications and workbooks can be found by visiting the Applications & Forms page of our website

Lucky 7 Game Approvals

Electronic and traditional lucky 7 games need to be approved by the NH Lottery Commission before they can be used. Please use the instruction guide below for instructions on how to submit games for approval.

Lucky 7 Device Locations

Use the “Lucky 7 Dispensing Device Location Report” document located on our Applications and Forms page