Enforcement Unit
Evaluating and monitoring gaming operations to ensure compliance with New Hampshire laws and rules.
Meet the Enforcement Team
What We Do
The Enforcement Unit ensures that all charitable gaming licensees and gaming facilities are in compliance with New Hampshire's gaming regulations, and that the integrity of legal gaming within the state is preserved.
The Enforcement Unit is responsible for the following:
Preliminary Assessment and Advisement
Prior to the issuance of new charitable gaming licenses (Games of Chance, Historic Horse Racing, Bingo and Lucky 7), the enforcement unit meets with and lets new licensees know the expectation and requirements of the respective laws and administrative rules and inspects the facility for proper equipment, surveillance, and internal controls.
Regulatory Review
The Enforcement Unit reviews and approves new games and gaming systems submitted for play by Games of Chance operators and charitable organizations. This process ensures compliance with applicable laws and administrative rules. These reviews include new electronic gaming systems, bonus systems, and emerging gaming technologies. The Enforcement Unit is also responsible for enforcing compliance with various reporting requirements for Games of Chance, Bingo, and Lucky 7.
Field Inspections
The Enforcement Unit conducts inspection of Games of Chance facilities, commercial Bingo halls, and Bingo and Lucky 7 charitable organizations. These inspections include review of various types of licensing documentation, equipment inspection, payment and account remediation, review of operation of games to ensure compliance with relevant laws and administrative rules, and review of surveillance and internal control systems. Investigators act as a resource to assist the various groups and gaming facilities with achieving compliance through a collaborative regulatory approach.
Complaints and Investigations
The Enforcement Unit responds to and investigates complaints submitted by various parties to the Lottery Commission. The Enforcement Unit acts as a neutral and detached third party arbiter and complaints are investigated fairly and impartially. Investigative action may result in a number of outcomes including corrective action plans, verbal or written warnings, and administrative action against licensees which could result in fine(s) or adverse rulings against a licensee’s license status. Investigators work in conjunction with State and local law enforcement agencies on criminal investigations involving New Hampshire RSA 647-Gambling Offenses. The Enforcement Unit also performs suitability review determination investigations for applicants for Historic Horse Racing and Games of Chance.
If you experience an incident that appears to violate rules or procedures at a Charitable Gaming Facility or by a charitable organization, complete and submit a Complaint Form to the Enforcement Unit.
Entities that are under investigation may be called to a hearing by the Enforcement Division. For frequently asked questions about this process, see Administrative Action and Hearings Process.
Approved Game Procedures
Type: Games of Chance (GOC)
Contact Us
NH Lottery Commission